Imogen Frangou
Bachelor of Design (Honours) (Interactive Visual Design)
Area(s) of Practise:
Music, Art, People, Philosophy, Designing for Experiences
Designers' Statement:
To me, design is about making a statement. What’s the point of saying something if all you are going to say is ‘something’?
I believe in non-convention and appealing to human emotions, whether that be through comedy, shock value or posing existential questions. This is evident in the bold, bright colours and wacky sense of humour that always end up emerging in my work.
I want to be at the forefront of conceptualisation, perhaps as an art or creative director. My dream is to be the creative visionary of a music or arts festival, or to start my own. At the very least, it is to work in the arts industry as I love creating shared experiences.
I am passionate about shared experiences, especially the experience of music and wanted to channel this through my work.
My Project
Project Name: EYE d'EAR