Emily Hill
Bachelor of Design (Honours) (Interactive Visual Design)
Area(s) of Practise:
Content Creation, Illustration, Graphic Design, Photography, Editorial Design, Interaction Design
Designers' Statement:
I’ve always loved creating! To be able to show others how you see the world through art and design has great power. My strength lies in visual communication. I’m a keen illustrator, graphic designer, photographer and all-round content creator. With knowledge into the ‘why’ behind visual communication, I’m always looking for new and innovative ways of communicating with and intriguing an audience.
With a large skill set across interactive and visual design, I’m interested in designing in various contexts from editorial to interactive installations. I hope to continue personal projects as well as work in passionate team environments here and overseas.
With a background in visual art, I love merging experimental artistic practices and purposeful design. I also have complimented my studies in IVD with studies in Fashion Communication at QUT.
My Project
Project Name: Follow Me, Following You